Laser Hair Reduction

You can get Unwanted hair removed by laser hair removal. It is mainly used for Legs, armpits, the upper lip, the chin, and the bikini line, among the common areas treated; Except for the eyelid and its surrounding, it is possible to remove unwanted hair in almost any area. 

The Laser Light damages the Hair Follicles without causing any harm to your skin and also inhibits the growth of new hair for a long time.

Before the Procedure, your Hair is trimmed down from the area where LHR will be performed. The doctor will apply a topical numbing cream 20-30 minutes before the treatment to avoid the sting due to a laser pulse. Usually, LHR can be performed on any Skin Colour and Type. Dermatologist Adjust the Laser Equipment according to the color, thickness, and location of the Procedure for safety purposes.

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